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College Park MCJROTC
Booster Club 

Green Horn 


Solo Exhibition, Team Armed and Unarmed Regulation, Exhibition, Color Guard and Inspection



Drill Team.  What do you think of?  Perhaps dancers at a halftime show.  Military personnel marching stoically down the parade field?  What if the answer was something that combines rigid discipline with the showmanship of high-flying rifles and fast-paced formation changes…steely military bearing with tack-sharp precision...

Welcome to the world of competitive Junior ROTC drill team.

Teams of cadets from across the region practice tirelessly week-in and week-out to perform for military graders with high-expectations for excellence.  These students, representing the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force, will test their mettle in four grueling phases of competition, each designed to showcase an element of military drill at the highest level.  Some teams wield replica Springfield drill rifles weighing upwards of eight pounds while others march unarmed, a challenge unto itself.

The regulation drill phase tests each team’s ability to read, interpret, and perform with excellence a series of drill commands in strict accordance with their service’s drill manual.  The inspection phase pits wits and bearing against a barrage of military knowledge questions and the keen eye of the military inspectors, each bent on finding even the smallest of imperfections with each cadet’s uniform.  The color guard phase tests four cadets tasked with the highest of honors: carrying and guarding our national ensign through a sequence of precision commands.  And finally, the exhibition phase where creativity and precision combine to create show-stopping routines designed to captivate audiences in a unique display of military excellence!

There are precious few activities where the results of each hard-fought contest fall so squarely on the shoulders of the competitors as JROTC drill team, where performing arts meets athletics and combines with military decorum.  Come join us for a day of competition you won’t want to miss!



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